Plasma Analyzers


Our innovative design leverages the inherent electrical conductibility variations present in highly ionized gas. By utilizing a single high frequency discharge within the detector (HF Plasma), we induce ionization and trigger the emission of high energy photons (24.5 eV). This emission effectively ionizes all gases within the cell, with the exception of carrier gas.

One of the notable advantages of our system is that it achieves a photo-ionized discharge without any radioactive emissions, eliminating the need for excessive voltage application to the cell. Additionally, our detector operates efficiently using just one gas. This versatile gas serves as the carrier, flushing gas, purging gas, and can even be used for valve purging and cleaning. Remarkably, the housing itself does not require a separate flushing gas. To fine-tune the detector's sensitivity, the power setting of the high frequency oscillator can be adjusted. Sensitivity levels as low as 0.1 ppb (parts per billion) can be achieved. It's worth noting that the detection limit and background noise are directly influenced by the quality of the carrier gas. For optimal performance, we highly recommend utilizing ultra-pure (UHP) Helium as the carrier gas.

Gas Chromatographs



Plasma Detectors measuring trace impurities including hydrocarbons without FID.

OrthoPure DID

OrthoPure DID

This Plasma Detector analyzes H2, Ne, O2+Ar, N2, Kr, CH4, CO, CO2 and Xe in PPB level.

DID Argon

DID Argon

This Plasma Detector Gas Chromatograph analyzes H2, O2, N2, CH4, CO, CO2 in Argon.

DID Helium

DID Helium

Analysis of H2, Ne, O2+Ar, N2, Kr, CH4, CO, CO2 and Xe in Helium, Argon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Krypton and Xenon.

Continuous Gas Analyzer

Binary gas analyzer TCD8000, Infrared analyzer IR8000, THC analyzer THC8000, Trace nitrogen AZ8000, Trace oxygen OZR8000, Oxygen % analyzer OPM8000 and Humidity analyzer OMD8000

Trace Nitrogen - AZ8000

Trace Nitrogen - AZ8000

Trace Nitrogen Analyzer in Argon and Helium

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